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Tips for keeping cool this summer

As summer approaches and the cold air becomes warm, a new set of challenges emerge. Hot, humid air can stick to you like glue and it can be hard to find a cool spot to relax.

Surprisingly, summertime can lead to a high power bill as we look to avoid rising temperatures. It’s important to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, without receiving excess power bills.

If you’re worried about how you’re going to keep cool without cranking the air-con 24/7, we’ve put together some tips to help out.

Check out the tips below.

Set a consistent air conditioner temperature:

When you use your air conditioner, set it to a consistent temperature. It’s more energy-efficient to maintain a stable indoor temperature rather than constantly adjusting it. 

For maximum efficiency, set your air conditioner between 20 and 22 degrees. Your home won’t cool down any quicker if you set the temperature lower, but your unit will work harder. This means you’ll be using a lot more power!

As we head into summer, it’s also a good time to clean your AC. You can do this yourself by removing the filters and giving them a vacuum. 

For more tips on using your air conditioner efficiently, check out this blog.

Use a dehumidifier to reduce humidity:

During summer, the inside air can become hot and humid, making it harder to cool and your home feel stuffy. Consider using a dehumidifier for around 30 minutes when you turn the air-con in. This removes the moisture from the air, helping it to cool down more quickly.

Wear light cotton-based clothes:

Dress for the season you’re in! Cotton and linen fabrics are breathable and allow your body to regulate its temperature more efficiently. 

Close Curtains and Blinds:

Keep curtains and blinds closed during the hottest part of the day to block out direct sunlight. This helps significantly reduce the heat entering your home.

Seal Windows and Doors:

Ensure that windows and doors are sealed properly to prevent warm air from entering and cool air from escaping. If your windows and doors aren’t sealing, you can purchase v seal through our website here.

Use Natural Ventilation:

Take advantage of the cooler evening and morning air. Open windows in the evening and early morning to let in cooler outdoor air, and close them during the day to trap cool air inside.

Opt for Light Bedding:

Use lightweight sheets and bedding materials to stay comfortable while sleeping. Cotton and linen sheets are more breathable and should help for a better night’s sleep.

Stay hydrated:

During hot weather, it’s vital to stay hydrated. If you’re sweating more, it’s vital to replace fluids. Drinking water helps your body stay cool and function optimally.

Create Cross-Ventilation:

If you have fans, position them near open windows to create cross-ventilation. This allows hot air to escape and lets cooler air in, making your indoor environment more comfortable.

Insulate your home:

Investing in proper insulation keeps your home warm in winter and easier to cool in summer. Insulation resists the transfer of heat. In summertime, this means cool air is kept in, and hot air stays out. An insulated home is more energy-efficient, meaning you won’t have to run the air-conditioner to reach your desired temperature.

For more information on how insulation can keep your home cool in summer, check out this blog.

Talk to us for free energy advice

Are you struggling to implement energy-efficient methods to cool your home? Get in touch for free energy advice. We can recommend cost-efficient methods that can create a comfortable home.

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