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How insulation keeps your house cool in summer

Installing insulation in your home is a great way to keep it cozy all year round. Insulation helps keep your home warm in winter, but it also keeps it cool during summer.  A properly insulated house stays cooler for longer in summer and warmer for longer in winter and uses less energy to keep at your desired temperature. This leads to a more energy-efficient house and savings on your power bill.

But how does it work? Check out this blog to learn about how insulation keeps your home cool during summer.

How does insulation work?

Insulation is a material designed to slow down or resist the transfer of heat. You can think of it as a barrier between the inside of your home and the outside of it.

There are many different types of insulation, but they all work similarly. Insulation is typically comprised of tiny pockets of air trapped within the material. Air is a poor conductor of heat, so insulation products reduce the ability for heat to be transferred by conduction. If you want to learn more about how insulation is made, check out this blog.

How does insulation keep your house cool in summer?

In winter, insulation keeps the cold out and the warmth in. In an uninsulated house, the transfer of heat occurs more frequently. This means heat from inside the house easily disappears, while the cold is more likely to enter.

However, the opposite applies in summer. In an uninsulated house the cold inside the house escapes, and during a hot day the heat enters the house. This makes it difficult to regulate a consistently cool temperature inside your home. On a hot day, your home can gain up to 35% of the internal heat through the ceiling if it is uninsulated.

Insulation makes your home more energy-efficient

Because your house can regulate its temperature more efficiently if it is properly insulated, you won’t need to crank the air-con to keep it cool. Your air conditioner doesn’t need to work as hard and can be run for a shorter amount of time. This can lead to long-term savings on your power bill, increased energy efficiency and a more comfortable home environment.

Book a free assessment

Don’t wait until winter to get your insulation sorted!  Book now for a free insulation assessment, and keep your home cool this summer.

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